Thursday, March 21, 2013

Charitable Causes

Coins for Causes

Each month, we designate a different charity to
benefit from our Coins for Causes collection jar that we set by our cash
registers. This month's charity:

Yale HealthCORE has been dedicated to serving the children of developing communities in Latin America for over ten years. Armed with public health training and a strong sense of determination, graduate students from the Yale School of Public Health deliver innovative public health interventions to improve and uplift the lives of the children and families in impoverished communities. Each year, HealthCORE embarks on a 10-day service trip to apply our public health training where it is most needed. Recently, HealthCORE has formed a partnership with World Vision Honduras in order to address the most pressing needs of rural Honduran communities. HealthCORE members are assisting World Vision with their childhood malnutrition, sanitation, and health education programs through data analysis, data collection, consultation, and direct community service. These initiatives empower families to restore their children’s health through proper nutrition, good hygiene, and basic health knowledge. 

For more information, please contact
Yao Yang at yao.yang@
Or visit our website at: 

"The Generosity of Our Beloved Customers Helps us support
a Different Worthy Cause Each Month."

Artist in Residence

Our artist in residence programs opens up the walls of Claire’s to local artists as a gallery space for three months.  Currently on display from February to the end of April is photographer Amy Browning, whose beautiful photographs have lightened up the dismal winter weather.

About the Artist

Amy Browning Photography
I’ve lived in the New Haven area for the past 30 years and have enjoyed photography and taking pictures since I was a child.  I started with a Kodak Instamatic and then graduated to my first 35mm film camera when I was 13.  When my daughter was born, I switched to a Minolta point and shoot; she was and still is my favorite subject. Once digital came around, I was very reluctant to move in this direction, however, after talking to a few people I purchased a Nikon D80 and have never looked back.
I love photographing the flowers in my garden, street scenes, bugs and other critters, and just whatever happens to catch my eye.
I am a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the New Haven Camera Club (NHCC).

Prices for images hanging at Claire’s
$85 each.  Please contact me about buying any of them.

My website

Photographs can also be purchased from these 2 sites:

Please contact Erin at 203-562-3888 if you or your organization would like to participate in our Coins for Causes or Artist in Residence Programs.

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